Sunday, 5 June 2011


I got pastels & paper as a present from my former colleagues. Hadn't really touched pastels since elementary school so I was eager to try. Naturally I had forgotten how hard it is to draw with them (but lot of fun).

The rabbit below was one of the first sketches. Hopefully more to come.

Rabbit, with pastels

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Started few weeks ago with my friend a small Scala project called Botball. We wanted to create something simple to study the Akka framework. The idea is to simulate small bots playing a ball game. The thinking was that this is something that can be nicely over-engineered to use Actors :) .

As any good project the start went mostly to sync what has happen in the real life. However, last week I have had some time to spend. The basic structure starts to be implemented. Next step would be to implement the actual game simulation.

Source code can be found from github.

Saturday, 29 January 2011


Lately most of my time has gone into work. No time for any fun with the Photoshop. That must change! Luckily my friend asked few icons from me for his mobile application. First versions done. I'm still not happy with them. Need to reserve some time for tuning. It's also surprise how different the icons looks on the monitor and on small mobile screen.

Icons, version 1.0+